Fred n’ Elvis’ is a full-service mixing and demo studio in Fairfax, VA.
Do you have recorded tracks that needs a professional mix?
We have all the tools and experience needed to deliver great sounding mixes that are ready for streaming, radio, CD duplication and downloads services.
Need a great sounding demo?
If you’re a songwriter looking for a great sounding demo at a great price, we can help. We work with top studio musicians and singers that can deliver a variety of styles from Rock, Pop, R&B to Country. We can help take your song to the next level.
The studio is stocked with gear and software from companies such as SSL, Avid, Focusrite, Neve, API, AKG, Shure, Waves, Slate, IK Multimedia, Kali, Hafler, Avantone, Sennheiser, Audix, Audio Technica, Blue, Marshall, 65 Amps, Vox, Joly, and of course a great selection of guitars and basses; Gibson, Fender, PRS, Hamer, Heritage, MusicMan, Rickenbacker, Waterstone, Martin and G&L.
Scroll down to listen to some of our mixing and production samples.
Each recording and mixing project is unique and every artist’s needs are different. Because of that, we quote jobs based on the scope of the project.
Do you need your tracks mixed? When you contact us we’ll discuss all the details of your song, listen to your rough mix and select reference tracks. That will ensure your final mix sounds amazing and is ready for mastering.
Demo Recording
When you hire us to record a demo, we’ll go over all the details of your song and what your vision is for the final result. We’ll quote you a price and we’ll stick to that price as long as the scope doesn’t drastically change. We know there are a lot of variables so we try and be as flexible as possible.
Listen to our recording and Mixing samples below. If you’d like to hear additional recording and mixing samples , just drop us a line using the form at the bottom of the page.
Next Same Thing – McKaiil Seely*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Warren Huart
Clearing Up – Gibbs (ft. Chesle)
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Produced and Recorded by Parker Gibbons
Down Down Down – Ellery*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Amos Heller
Love It Or Leave It – Alaina Blair*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Warren Huart
Back When We Were We – Pete Mroz*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Warren Huart
Paralyze – Jay Clifford*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Warren Huart
Another Love Song – James Dupre*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Joe Carrell
City Lights – The Workday Release*
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Recorded by Warren Huart
Right Love – Jeff Burger
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Produced by Jeff Burger
So Right
Produced and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Sarah Peterson and Mark Beeson
Thieves Among Us
Produced by Stan Stammers
Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Mark Beeson and John Pawlikowski
I Just Want To Love Her
The Jack Pine
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Mark Beeson
A Secret To Tell
Produced and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Sarah Peterson and Mark Beeson
Afraid of Words
The Jack Pine
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Mark D. Beeson
40 Days
The Jack Pine
Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Mark Beeson & Ted Hovis
Dream The Day Away
The Jack Pine
Produced by Dan Call
Recorded and Mixed by Mark Beeson (F&EGL)
Written by Mark Beeson
*Tracks courtesy of Produce Like A Pro
We offer musicians affordable design services for cd packaging, website and tour support materials. We’ve worked with Grammy winners and top 25 hit makers and we’re ready to deliver a killer design to compliment your next musical project.
Scott Kurt – I’ll Never Learn
Edited by: F&EGL
Videography: GLS Productions, Static Discharge, Josh Parks
Scott Kurt – Girl Out There
Edited by: F&EGL
Videography: Static Discharge, Memphis 59
Scott Kurt – American Man Lyric Video
Edited by F&EGL
Videography: Jasenn Robertson
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